All photography provided by Jared Chambers
MURI are the first two initials of my father's "Muhallil U. Rehman" and mother's "Riffat Perveen" names.
We design multi crop agricultural cropping models for the farmers with small or large holdings. A sustainable agricultural model with honeybee and Black Soldier Fly. Alternate smart farming methods and cutting cost especially in the seeds. We will guide you to the best of seed selection for higher production as well as in selection of natural product based solutions for the plant protection which are Eco-friendly. We will suggest you with the best agricultural equipment & techniques to enhance your production. Bringing with us the 15 years of experience in applied entomology and agriculture, more than 12 years of experience in natural products discovery and designing novel cost effective bioassay methods like NCNPR-RB, & branch bagging systems. We pivot models over foundation of Hybrid IPM and IPM Layered Strategies. We will guide you to the right pesticide product for your field and home.
Our Mission
It's simple " What can we do for the betterment of society?"
“YOU Are Never Defeated
Unless You Give Up On Hope
solutions from nature
History of human exploration/interest in natural products goes back to Adam and Eve those tried to explore a forbidden tree.
In winter, many trees shed their leaves while evergreen or others do not, WHY? Because, if all will shed the leaves, there will not be enough Oxygen for living creatures on earth to breathe. So, evergreen provide oxygen to living organism in winter.
MURI Innovations LLC